J’raxis·Com (remote override)



Who is J’raxis 270145?

J’raxis 270145 (IPA: [d͡ʒʌʔ.'ɹ̠æk.sɪs], juh-RAK-sis) is a liberty activist, real estate investor, IT professional, and small business owner from New Hampshire.  You can contact him at jraxis@jraxis.com.  You can also find him on the DALnet IRC network in #, typically under the nick J^raxis or J_raxis.  His PGP key is 0xBF9B0F53.  Copies can also be found at the MIT and Ubuntu keyservers.

J’raxis is a libertarian, an eleutherian, a voluntaryist, and an anarcho-capitalist:  A liberal in the classical, and proper, meaning of the word.  He is a secular humanist, and believes that human behavior and morality ought to be guided by the Non-Aggression Principle.  His personal motto is “Quod vis fac.”  As a participant in the Free State Project, he moved to New Hampshire from Massachusetts in 2007 after the enactment of Romneycare, the predecessor to Obamacare.

As an information technology professional, J’raxis specializes in IT security and privacy, and has worked in the industry since 2000.  He created his first website in 1996, which included support for the EFF’s Blue Ribbon Campaign.  In 2007, he founded EPRCI, a small web-hosting, IT consulting, and web-development business, with many other liberty activists and organizations as its customers.  EPRCI is not currently accepting new customers but is still online, and J’raxis continues to run the company in his free time.  He is currently a senior software developer at a mid-size software business in southern New Hampshire.

Someday, J’raxis·Org will host some free software that J’raxis has developed.

Other Iraxian domains

These domains are part of the J’raxis domain collection.


On 1996-09-13 at 18:15:22 +00:00, J’raxis·Com was originally set up as a personal homepage, “TPROJJO,” hosted by a residential ISP, iCi.  The site’s first domain name was jraxis.kracked.com, provided by Micah McCrary’s hosting company, Kracked, sometime in the late 1990s.

Between 1996 and 2003, J’raxis·Com’s look and feel, and content, went through a multitude of iterations, which will be described here… someday.

On 2000-09-02, jraxis.com and jraxis.org were registered.

In 2003-03, J’raxis·Com went offline and was redirected to an “offline” notice at J’raxis·Org.  Hosting was moved to MUD Portal, owned by a # denizen who uses the nick poutine.  On 2003-08-11, an offline notice was put up at J’raxis·Com itself:  “J’raxis·Com will be returning soon.  Until then, you can just wait.”

It did not return soon.

On 2004-09-13, the most popular old content, the God Simulator and the IRC channel homepages, were put back up.  On 2004-09-29, a proper site went online, replacing the offline notice, and additional archived content was put back up.  On 2005-08-26, J’raxis·Com was moved to its own server at DarkStarX, an Australian hosting company run by another # denizen, Jamie.

From 2004–2007, J’raxis added some new content to J’raxis·Com.  Much of the old content did not return.  J’raxis moved to New Hampshire as part of the Free State Project in 2007, and by then J’raxis·Com went dormant again.

In 2007-08, J’raxis founded a hosting company, EPRCI:  “IT services for liberty activists, by liberty activists.”  J’raxis·Com was moved there.  EPRCI itself was initially located at DarkStarX, but moved to Datarealm in 2008-02.  The site has been hosted by EPRCI ever since.

In 2008-03, the J’raxis·Com front page was replaced with another offline notice:  “The site’s not dead… it’s just sleeping…”  By 2008-04-16, the content was replaced with a brief Wikipedia-style biography of J’raxis, describing his liberty activism projects and a brief note about J’raxis·Com going dormant again.  This content was slowly expanded until 2010-06, when the front page was again replaced with an offline notice──the one that is still there.  The bio was moved to this URL.  At the same time, J’raxis·Com was redesigned with the current look and feel.

J’raxis·Com has remained essentially the same ever since.


J’raxis·Com’s current look and feel was designed to emulate the terminal interface from the Macintosh first-person shooter Marathon and its two sequels.  The text appearing on the other domains in the J’raxis collection is from terminal #2 of the Marathon 2: Durandal level “We’re everywhere.”  The image to the left is a modification of an image from terminal #0 of the Marathon Infinity level “You’re wormfood, dude.”  The original image read “marathon.0x0D.7” and had the Marathon logo in place of the J’raxicon.

J’raxis·Com is typeset in JetBrains Mono, a font designed by JetBrains, Philipp Nurullin, and Konstantin Bulenkov.  Your browser’s monospace font will be used if the font cannot be loaded.  The Marathon terminals similarly used a monospace font, the Macintosh version of Courier.

The 404 poem “Quoth the Server” was written by J’raxis.

J’raxis·Com and all its content, except where otherwise noted, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.  SSL certificates are provided by Let’s Encrypt.  ▰